Tuesday, 22 October 2013

New Equipment!!!

Oh, its all good and exciting here, a huge parcel arrived by courier this morning!

It sort of resembled a flattened table.. but it wasn't that heavy, so I was intrigued. I peeled open the packaging and there it was.. My new spinning wheel!!

I say "new".. its in fact second hand, all nicely taken apart and flattened for posting. I bagged a real bargain, with new wheels coming in at near on £400-£500.. this came in at under £300... along with a lazy kate, 5 bobbins, a "jumbo" flyer, a bag of sheep fleece and a nice book "Exploring Colour and Design for Handweavers"... I reckon it was a bargain. Considering a new jumbo flyer is £70 on its own, and each large bobbin (of which there are 3) costs around £12 each (so that's £36).. it all starts to add up..so lets just say I'm rather chuffed.
The sheep fleece that came with it is unidentified, but it has a nice long staple.. however is obviously a bit old and manky.. so its soaking in some nice hottish soapy water.. well, its on its second wash now.. and the water's not brown anymore.. so we're heading in the right direction.

Then while I was at work (my other job), the post pan tried to deliver another parcel.. this is hopefully my drum carder, which is going to make processing fleeces that much easier.. instead of hand carding, which is great and has its place (like in front of the TV).. means I'm not limited to tiny batches.. but can make huge batts ready for spinning and it allows me to get creative with what I add to the batt...

You may be wondering how I'm paying for this.. well, I received some funding (which I have to pay back.. but that's cool).. its enough to get things up and running and and me busy for, well, ages..

So now to track down my neighbour to see if it really is the drum carder...

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