Wednesday 27 November 2013

Being busy and not being well...

Hi folks, Just to let you know I've been a bit busy during November... I've had a few gigs with the acoustic duo I'm a part of, which has kept me out of mischief, but has meant I've had to lay off the more creative side, however, its good to be in demand and to be able to bring something that people want, which is why I decided to combine my work all into one business.. That way I have the freedom to choose to work on what I need to, within the demands of my clientele. I picked up an order for 4 crochet hats, which are now with their new owner, and was able to work on these while I've been "under the weather".. with a little Winter virus. So I've been snuffling and coughing while crocheting... Beats sitting there feeling sorry for myself. So, yes, did a few gigs, had to cancel a couple, due to the sniffles, but am still able to do other things, which is what being in business is all about, adaptability... I also have a request for some funky brooches.. which I'll get made and photograph to show you all.. I look at being ill as a time when I can reflect on what I've done when I've been well, to garner knowledge and information and work on niggling little jobs like updating my admin.. I look to what I can do, rather than what I can't.. Hopefully this nasty little bug will be on its way soon and I can sing again too. So what's in the pipeling (just making a note for myself).. 1)Finishing off the first Rain CD (see for details of how that and the gigs are coming along 2)Making "stuff"... always making something (currently some fingerless mitts from the left over alapaca which was dyed with food colouring) 3)Getting on top of my monthly accounts.. which is straightforward enough. 4)Keeping calm amidst the chaos. Until next time... au revoir!

Thursday 14 November 2013

First item in my Etsy shop sold!!!!

I've had some of my items on Etsy for a little while and I've made my first sale!!!!!
I'm so pleased.. so what's sold??

What I sold

Anyway, I realise that to some its not a big deal, but to me its a big first step.. :-)

So anyway, check out my shop, see if there's anything you like, or if there's something that I could make for you.. and get in touch :-)

Smiles all round here :-)